Our team

Meet the Best Body Team

Chief Executive Officer
As the CEO and founder Scott's main role is being the visionary for the company. This involves looking at the big picture and always working towards the future goals of the company. Scott always has a pulse on the industry and is always developing new products, services and ideas for Best Body’s growth. 

Scott loves spending time with his beautiful wife and daughters. Outside of family time, he is obsessed with learning about anything that will make Best Body the best place to work and allow us to have the biggest impact possible. 

Favourite cafe/restaurant: Lot One for breakfast and Labuda for a smoothie bowl 

Email: scott@bestbody.com.au 
Phone: 0438 908 995
Being the Creative Director at Best Body means that Tarryn's role is very versatile. Amongst overseeing our instructor team, she is in charge of all things creative such as merchandise, social media, photo shoots & events. Tarryn also plays a large role in new studio start ups which adds some extra variety from time to time.

In her spare time she enjoys going to the beach, hanging out with family and of course doing Pilates!  She very rarely misses her daily coffee but does like to stop at one :)  Her passion for fitness started when she began teaching dancing (Hip Hop) in her late teenage years and she been in the health/fitness industry ever since.

Favourite Cafe/Restaurant: My fave cafe is Lot One Kitchen.

Email: tarryn@bestbody.com.au 
Joel is the one behind our amazing studio layouts and aesthetics. He helps to coordinate all of our new site setups and works closely with the operations team to ensure our studios standards remain 5 star. 

He loves hanging out with his 2 girls Amelie and Jessie - they are loads of fun. He's a big fan of exploring WA, 4Wdriving and adventuring.

Favourite cafe/restaurant: Cinta in North Perth is hard to go past! 

Email: joel@bestbody.com.au 
Phone: 0408 393 660 
Member Success Manager
Toni is from Cavite in the Philippines and has been with Best Body since January 2023. As Member Success Manager, Toni enjoys assisting our wonderful members with their concerns and questions. She is a loving auntie to five nieces and nephews who call her "Mommy." Recently, she also became a fur parent to a Shih Tzu named Aiko.

Email: toni.r@bestbody.com.au
Marketing Manager
Belle is from an island in the Philippines. As Marketing Team Leader, Belle is in charge of social media, websites and leading marketing campaigns. She enjoys brainstorming ideas with the team and incorporating Best Body's mission into all marketing initiatives. She's a mum to two beautiful daughters and can't start her day without coffee. 

Email: belle@bestbody.com.au
Head of Property and Business Support
Originally from London, Anthony moved to Perth in 2011 with his wife, who is from Perth. He has two daughters and they all love the beach and outdoor lifestyle Perth offers. 

Anthony has a broad range of experience, having spent the past decade both working for managed service consultancies in the oil and gas industry and trading financial markets. Growing up, he played a lot of soccer and still enjoys playing socially. He's keen to progress his pilates training and loosen his tight soccer hamstrings.

Fun fact: Anthony was once on a plane that nose-dived 28,000 feet, before making an emergency landing in Azerbaijan.

Email: anthony@bestbody.com.au